Baidu and Google collaborated for a faster web; in fact, Baidu helped Google set up its AMP CDN in China. Baidu has indexed a considerable number of AMP pages, although these do not display the lightning bolt icon in Baidu's search results as MIP pages do (see screenshot below). For sites serving Mainland China audience only, I recommend deploying MIP instead of AMP. Flash icon for MIP results on Baidu SERP Flash icon for MIP results on Baidu SERP HTTPS The other improvement Baidu is bringing to China is secure web. Baidu Webmaster Tools launched a new HTTPS Site Authentication feature in May that allows
HTTPS sites to have a better presence on Baidu SERPs. Previously, when HTTPS pages were not well supported, Baidu didn't know whether to index an insecure page or a secure page. The sites had to create two versions with different protocols to have a jewelry photo editing service better result in indexing. Now, once this authentication is passed, only the secure pages of your website will be indexed and presented on the SERPs. Authenticate an HTTPs site in Baidu Webmaster Tools Authenticate an HTTPs site in Baidu Webmaster Tools PWAs and Lavas PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) for Baidu are finally here! Just like Google PWA, Baidu version of
PWA can have features like desktop icon, full screen browsing, offline caches and push messages. A "Hello World" from Lavas PWA A “Hello World” from Lavas PWA In order to help developers build their PWA instance efficiently, Baidu launched a Vue-based framework as a solution and named it Lavas. With Lavas, you will have a set of templates that will speed up your development and deployment. Algorithm: hurricane Content scraping is arguably the biggest threat to internet content marketers in China.